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 Avoid These 3 Mistakes in Your OIC Application to Save Time and Money

Offer in Compromise Application Mistakes Guide

The Offer in Compromise (OIC) program, commonly abbreviated as OIC, allows taxpayers to potentially resolve their tax debt obligations with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for a lesser payment than the total amount originally owed.  When successful, an OIC approval can help taxpayers find improvements in tax problems and fix their financial situation. However, submitting […]

The Essential Role of a Tax Professional in Successful OIC Applications

Tax Professional Assisting with OIC Application

Have you found yourself drowning in a sea of IRS debt that seems impossible to escape? If so, you’re not alone. Many taxpayers find themselves burdened by a mountain of back taxes that feels insurmountable.  However, did you know there may be a life raft available to help you reach the shore of financial freedom […]

Avoid These Mistakes When Negotiating an Offer in Compromise with the IRS

Avoid These Mistakes When Negotiating an Offer in Compromise with the IRS

You’re not swimming, but do you feel like you’re drowning in the sea? But not on muddy waters but of IRS debt? Do late-night worries about collection calls and letters keep you up at this very moment? You aren’t alone, friends, as tax burdens this heavy can induce complete paralysis.  But hold on just a […]